Apr 26, 2024
It may not be visible, however, work is moving quickly
While it may not be highly visible, work on the construction projects approved by voters in Bond 2023 is moving quickly. Since last week, representatives from two different architecture firms spent the day in Odessa visiting locations and meeting with district staff and planning committees.
Parkhill reps (pictured below) met at the existing bus barn to learn about the facility and ask staff members what they need and what they want in the new Transportation Facility. After that, they walked around the potential site for the new facility. The Parkhill team also spent time at the Permian High School auditorium talking with district and school leaders about the project. The PHS auditorium is set for a complete renovation to create a modern performing arts center.
PBK reps talked with our Career & Technical Education (CTE) staff about courses that could be located in the new CTE Center. Again, staff members are outlining their needs and wants for a state-of-the-art design. This week, the architects also worked with our local CTE committee, leading them though a hands-on design exercise (below left). This CTE committee has already met four times during this semester and has made two site visits to see the CTE Centers in Hobbs, New Mexico (below right), and Abilene.
In January, the District sent out a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for architecture and engineering services for projects approved in Bond 2023. A total of 12 firms responded. A review committee evaluated those responses on factors such as the firm’s experience with similar projects, number of similar projects taken on in the last five years, experience with ECISD, and the firm’s capacity to complete the work in the timeline established by the school district. Four firms – JSA Architects, Inc.; PBK Architects; Parkhill; and DLR Group – were selected to be interviewed by a committee of 15 people representing a cross-section of ECISD departments and functions. At the school board meeting in March, Trustees unanimously approved two architecture firms to design five of the bond projects:
· Parkhill for the new Transportation Facility, the Permian High School Auditorium renovations, and the JROTC facilities at PHS and Odessa High School
· PBK for the new middle school (on South Tripp) and the new Career & Technical Education Center (on E. Murphy)
Contracts for the remaining projects are in negotiation.